Staying Active

Staying active is an important part of your overall health but living with kidney disease can be challenging and exhausting. Start slowly and build up over time. For those with long-term kidney conditions or on dialysis, it can be hard sometimes to keep a regular exercise routine, however every bit of movement counts, including tidying your home, gardening, or taking a short walk.

In addition to improving physical wellbeing and providing more energy throughout the day, staying active can also improve mood and help manage stress. For those with kidney disease, physical activity has the added benefit of improving blood sugars, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while decreasing restless leg symptoms while helping you sleep better. For those on dialysis, physical activity can increase dialysis efficiency. Maintaining mobility and strength is important for everyone, improving our balance and lowering the risk of falls. The Kidney Wellness Hub offers a number of on-demand strength and mobility classes.

The Kidney Foundation’s key fundraising events, the Kidney Walk and Kidney March, raise funds for critical patient programs and services while promoting the importance of physical activity. Every year, members of the kidney community come out to show their support. As always, we can’t thank our walkers and marchers enough for their dedication and unwavering support of kidney patients and their families.

Remember, also, before you begin any new activity or wellness program, please check in with your health care provider to see what is right for you. Read and listen to our medical disclaimer.

On-Demand Classes

To help you stay active, we have created a variety of classes to suit all fitness levels and accommodate the different stages of kidney disease. These classes are taught by certified instructors, including those affected by kidney disease.

Tips and Tools


Expert Answers to Common Questions

Our stay active expert, Ryley Carr, addresses common questions kidney patients have asked. Email your questions to Ask the Expert via email.

Exercise and the Newly Diagnosed
In this short podcast, Ryley answers important questions about exercise for those newly diagnosed.
(3 Minutes)

Exercise and Your Mental Health
Ryley discusses how exercise can benefit anyone's mental health.
(2 Minutes)

Exercise and Your Kidney Health
Ryley answers questions about exercise and your kidney health.
(3 Minutes)

Upcoming Staying Active Opportunities