Socially Connecting
Research shows that positive social connections are good for our health, and those who feel connected to others may have reduced stress and lower levels of anxiety and depression.
One of the key pieces of feedback you shared about the Kidney Wellness Hub was that you, our kidney community, wanted to feel more connected to each other and be part of a supportive online community. You told us you wanted opportunities to talk with others with shared lived experiences and meet new kidney friends. This kind of social connection you said was important to support your overall health and wellbeing.
And you are right to want to increase your social connections. Research shows that positive social connections are good for our health, and those who feel connected to others may have reduced stress and lower levels of anxiety and depression. In this section, we will offer opportunities to connect with those with shared lived experiences, like your fellow kidney patients or caregivers. Check out our Socially Connecting opportunities below.
Social Opportunities
Connecting with others who share living with kidney disease can be incredibly beneficial. It offers a sense of community and understanding that may be hard to find elsewhere, as people facing the same challenges can empathize on a deeper level.