Virtual Drop-In Art for Wellness Classes

Fridays | January 5 - April 26 | 6:00-7:00 pm PST

Take some time for fun and join the drop-in virtual session with Daniella and Brooke to explore Art for Wellness to help improve your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Use art as a non-verbal way to express complex thoughts and emotions you may find challenging to put into words.

Art for Wellness can help you gain insights into your emotions and experiences, be calming, and release stress or anxiety. Plus build your social connections with other participants in these weekly sessions.

Daniella Haddad
Kutenai Art Therapy Institute Student

Brooke Henderson
Kutenai Art Therapy Institute Student

The Kidney Wellness Hub is pleased to offer, in partnership with Kutenai Art Therapy Institute, a welcoming space for you to participate in Art for Wellness with dedicated art interns Daniella and Brooke. These drop-in sessions are designed for anyone interested in harnessing the healing power of art and no prior art experience is required to join.

Although no specific materials are needed, these classes offer participants the opportunity to play and experience various artistic mediums for self-expression, emotional release, and personal growth. Participants can experiment with painting, drawing, sculpting, and more to enhance their wellness journey.

Feel free to bring the supplies you’d like to use or utilize things you already have around your house to create your art such as chalk or charcoal, pencils, printing paper, magazines or newspaper, colouring pencils, markers, scissors, etc. You could also forage in nature and create a piece of eco-art or repurpose things you have for recycled art.

Everyone is welcome to join us for a journey of self-expression, healing, and creativity! We invite you to join our Art for Wellness classes, where you can unlock the transformative power of art to nurture your mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Friday’s | January 5 - April 26 | 6:00-7:00 pm PST

Please register in advance for these drop-in classes by clicking on the registration button below.

Once you have registered, you will receive your link to the webinar via email. You can use the same link to join any of the Friday sessions.

These art for wellness sessions are generously brought to you Kutenai Art Therapy Institute.

  • Daniella embodies the roles of a nurturing mother, an artist, and an art therapy intern. With colours, textures, and storytelling, she channels the potent healing and inspiring capabilities of art. Her aspiration is to gently guide individuals on a journey of emotional revelation, offering solace and cultivating growth through the therapeutic prowess of creative expression.

  • Brooke Henderson is a second-year art therapy intern at the Kutenai Art Therapy Institute and holds a BA in psychology. Brooke is also a trained actor/singer and has been in the industry for over 10 years. Brook's area of interest is helping artists break through psychological and mental barriers to their creativity by using art as a tool for self-expression and somatic processing. Brooke hopes to hold space for others to share and explore their experience through art making.

  • Juanita Kiff, BSc, DKATI, RCAT, is an avid painter and clinician who offers mental health and substance counseling and art therapy services primarily focused on Indigenous populations.item description